The sun is here and the winter woolies have been folded away for a few months.
People have emerged from hibernation and they are now on their bikes and it has not gone unnoticed how busy the bike lanes are during the peak times of the day as the sunshine cyclists rejoice in the exhilaration of cycling once again. A few years ago I used to find their return somewhat irritating, after having enjoyed the winter with the bike lane to myself. I could make my own tracks in the snow and rarely had reason to reflect over the behaviour of other cyclists. Now though, I am no longer bothered, but what has caused the change then? Well, perhaps it’s the fact that more people ride in the winter, and that the more I become a proponent for cycling, the more joy I see in somewhat crowded bike lanes, or bikes and their human riders standing, waiting ten deep at the traffic lights and so on. This is where we want cycling to be. More cyclists means healthier people, better air and increased pressure on the cycling infrastructure of the city so that improvements and expansions will need to be made. Local councils will not be able to deny the fact that they must keep up with the increased demand and usage of the cycling infrastructure. More voices will be heard, more bikes will be seen and the city we live in will be the big winner.


We are all very aware that things are not what they should be. One cannot deny that the climate is changing, and rapidly. Leaders of the world are striving to make global agreements / collective goals and targets to slow down global warming, but not everyone is onboard. You though can make changes in your life that will improve your health, your time management, oh and the world.

That change is as easy as riding a bicycle. It does not have to be a new bicycle, it does not have to be a fast bicycle, it may only have one gear and be from the 40s but it just has to get you from A to B. By using a bicycle as your means of transport to and from work, you will most probably save time, you will most definitely save money and most certainly you will feel better. You are training and transporting yourself at the same time. That doesn’t mean you’re getting all super sweaty or out of breath, only that compared to sitting in a car the benefits are overwhelming. (see ref)

And then you may well find that you can take your bike to the store, the beach, to football training. The majority of trips taken by car are under 5km. (see ref) Leaving the car parked means you’ll discover more about your local area. You’ll hear the sounds of your community, smell the smells and discover places and things you never knew existed.

So let’s not wait on the government to make the changes for us, let’s make the change ourselves. As adults or even parents we need to lead the way. So get on your bike.

/Brandon @andtherevolution